Kids at home? Have them check out these FREE resources to learn coding. Many of these sites encourage learning through games! And some teach you to design your own!

- AT&T Internet Services Beginner coding guide.
- Blocky: Learn to solve puzzles, create music, play games, and more through code.
- Code Adacemy: No matter your experience level, you’ll be writing real, working code in minutes.
- Code Combat: CodeCombat is a community project,with hundreds of players volunteering to create levels, contribute to our code to add features, fix bugs, playtest, and even translate the game into 50 languages so far. Learn code through games.
- Code Monkey: Introducing programming games for the next generation. Sign up for a free 30 day trial.
- A nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented youth. Check out Coding with Star Wars
- Codemoji: Codemoji’s computer science curriculum for schools allows 1st-8th grade students to learn the basics of web development and coding, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript, in a fun and easy way, allowing them to create their own websites, animations and much more with our unique and adaptable learning platform.
- CodinGame: Improve your programming skills while having fun!
- Crunchzilla: Crunchzilla offers interactive tutorials that get people excited about programming. Play with code, build, and learn.
- Kahn Academy: Learn about coding, programming, algorithms, animation, and more using talk-throughs.
- Kodable: Kids learn core programming concepts through engaging games developed with real teachers and kids. Designed for ages 4-10. Free trial available.
- Scratch (from MIT): With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community.
- Tynker: Tynker has made some of their coding classes free while schools are not in session!

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