Kids at home? Get them thinking with these science resources for kids. The following are either totally free or offer free trial periods.

- American Chemistry Society: High school chemistry topics
- Ask Dr. Universe: Based out of Washington State University, Dr. Universe teams up with professors, researchers, and experts in the field, to tackle big questions like: What is fire? Why does soda fizz? and Why is the ocean salty?
- Backpack Sciences: Hands on elementary science videos
- Biology Simulations: Learn about biology and practice data analysis skills
- Brain Pop: Engaging learning games, animated movies, and activities designed to encourage kids on their unique learning paths.
- Club SciKidz: Daily science or cooking experiments.
- Discovery Kids #Mindblown: Inspries you to quaetion what you know and as the big questions about the world around us.
- Edheads: Edheads is an online educational resource that provides science and math games and activities that promote critical thinking.
- Elemental Science: 80+ at home science activities
- EveryDay Earth: Explore Oklahoma’s landscapes through STEM!
- Exploratorium: An ongoing exploration of science, art, and human perception. Explore our vast collection of online experiences to feed your curiosity
- Mystery Science: Science lessons for grades K-5
- NASA Kids Club: A place to play games and learn about NASA!
- National Geographic Kids: Find amazing facts about animals, science, history, and geography, along with fun games and activities.
- PHET (from University of Colorado): Interactive Simulations for Science and Math
- Play Mada Games: Collisions helps high school students visualize and interact with chemistry concepts through fun and challenging games.
- Positive Physics: Award-winning platform designed for physics learners of any background.
- Science Kids: Learn more about the amazing world of science by enjoying our fun science experiments, cool facts, online games, free activities, ideas, and more
- Science Podcasts: Great list of 19 science podcasts to listen to with your kids.
- Science Spot: Science projects for elementary and middle schoolers
- Steve Spangler Science: Hundreds of free at home experiements.
- Super Charged Science: Daily lessons and educational activities that kids can do on their own
- The Happy Scientist: Explore, have fun, and learn some science along the way.
- Tyto Online: Students directly engage in science as they learn.
- Wonderville: Wonderville is a digital ecosystem that makes learning science fun!
- Ultimate STEM Guide for Kids: 239 Cool Sites About Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
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