Cut out photos (of yourselves or people in magazines) and paste them on popsicle sticks. Make hand puppets from old socks, paper bags, etc. Encourage your kids to create a whole show with their new puppets that they can perform after dinner for the family.
T-Shirt Decorating
Get an old or cheap white t-shirt and decorate it with fabric paint, crayons, ribbons & rhinestones (glue guns may require the assistance of an adult).
Letters & Cards
Making Music
Encourage kids to make a complete band using household items, including recyclables. Some items to give them include empty cereal boxes, coffee cans, plastic bottles, rubber bands, masking tape, straws, beans or rice (to fill shakers with), film canisters, etc. Encourage them to decorate their instruments, too!Box Town
Have kids create a whole town with empty boxes. Cut them to size and decorate them like your home, school, or church. Leave room for parks and playgrounds as well.
Finger”Print” Painting
Rather than the traditional fingerpainting, have kids make things with their fingerprints… butterflies, caterpillars, flowers and people. Remind them not to have too much paint on their fingers, for better results. Add eyes, legs, antenna using a toothpick as a paintbrush.
Here’s a list of basic supplies you might consider keeping on hand:
- Crayons, Markers, & Colored Pencils
- Glue (sticks and bottles)
- Scissors
- Paint, Brushes, and Sponges
- Lots of Scrap Paper
- Colored Paper
- Felt
- Stickers
- Beads & Jewels
- Pipe Cleaners
- Clay & Playdoh
- String and Yarn
- Cookie Cutters
- “Stuffing”
- “Wiggly” eyes
- Uncooked Pasta & Beans
- Toothpicks
Consider keeping items you might otherwise recycle:
- Empty Cereal Boxes
- Plastic Bottles
Cardboard Tubes from paper towels, toilet paper, gift wrap
- Scraps of Leftover Gift Wrap
- Old Yogurt and Butter Tubs
- Egg Cartons
- Old Buttons
Old Fabric (socks & old clothes work well)