Holiday Parade and Tree Lighting
Join us at Coppell’s annual kick-off to the holiday season! The lighted parade features beautifully decorated floats built by local groups and businesses, all with twinkling holiday lights! Watch for the top 3 “Best Decorated” floats and pick your favorites as the floats go by. The parade will travel north on Samuel Blvd. to Parkway Blvd., then west to Andrew Brown Park East.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
6:00 PM-9:00 PM
Andrew Brown Park East
260 Parkway Blvd, Coppell, TX 75019
Cost: Free
The lighted parade features beautifully decorated floats built by local groups and businesses, all with twinkling holiday lights! Find a spot along the parade route and watch for the top 3 “Best Decorated” floats and pick your favorites as the floats go by.
View the Holiday Lighted Parade Route
Attend the Annual Holiday Tree Lighting
After the parade, head to Andrew Brown Park East for more holiday fun! The crowd will countdown to the lighting of the 65ft tree, then enjoy a variety of holiday fun and activities including:
- Drone show
- Holiday train ride & themed activities
- Petting Zoo
- Santa photos (please bring your own camera)
- Letters to Santa
- Food trucks