Kids age 10-15 can learn useful outdoor skills.
Select Saturdays from 2-3:30 PM
Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area
201 Jones Street, Lewisville, TX 75057
Fee: $10/person per session
Ages 10-15
9/9 Ropes & Knots
People have been using rope and knots for thousands of years. Sailing the seas in the tall ships, building ancient cities, and tying your shoes are all examples of this. This fun and educational program will send you home with the ability to do many things, focused mostly on the use of ropes and knots used in camping and boating.
Location: LLELA Classroom
10/14 Tents, Tarps, & Shelters
This program will be focusing on being comfortable in the outdoors. Whether you are going for a simple overnight camping trip, a backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail, or you are lost in the woods, you need to be able to shelter from the weather.
Location: LLELA Group Campground
11/4 Fire Building
Knowing how to build a fire is key to comfort and survival. When you’re traveling in the wilderness, building a fire will help you stay warm, cook food, and give light. Some types of fires work best for cooking, whereas others work best as a heat source. In most situations, it is wise to know a variety of fire-building techniques for different purposes.
Location: LLELA Group Campground
Registration is required for this $10 class. Contact Interpretive Park Ranger, Rob Smith, for more information.