Join us at the 4th Annual Roanoke Community Trunk or Treat. We are so lucky to being doing this amazing event again along with some awesome business sponsors from the community.
Come for the fun, entertainment and TONS of CANDY, WHILE ALSO doing good at the same time! FREE ADMISSION to the event, we only ask that you bring a non perishable item for The Roanoke Food Pantry to help supply for those in need throughout the holiday season.
Friday, October 18, 2024 from 4-7PM
Roanoke Community Park
201 Park Dr.
Roanoke, TX
Wear your best costume, we have some amazing community sponsors who have donated some pretty neat prizes for kids and adults!
*Please note, to be conscious of crowd issues, our Roanoke Police Department will be directing traffic and closing admittance to event at 6pm no exceptions.