The Little Elm Fire Department will be teaming up with Santa once again this year for the Santa Around Town Program to ride through Town spreading holiday cheer. Festivities will begin at approximately 6:30 p.m.
November 27 – December 19, 2023
Monday – Friday beginning at 6:30pm
Use the interactive map to track find when Santa is coming to see you!
Things to watch and listen for:
- Sirens and music playing are a good sign that Santa is approaching
- A lead vehicle will be guiding the fire trucks through Town
- Santa will be waving, and sometimes he has elves with him to ensure his safety
Note: Please remember our on-duty personnel needs to respond to emergency calls, so your understanding is appreciated if Santa is unexpectedly called away and unable to stop by your particular street on the date scheduled. Make-up dates may be scheduled if time allows but are not guaranteed. If weather forces a cancellation or a major emergency ensues, so an entire date is missed, make-up dates will be posted on the web site.