Touch-A-Truck is a community wide event which involves public and private entities offering a unique opportunity to people all over Denton County, allowing children of all ages to explore vehicles of all types: public service, emergency, utility, construction, landscaping, transportation and delivery trucks and just plain cool – all in one place! Children will be allowed to touch, climb on and ask questions about their favorite trucks in a safe, supervised environment. Vendors will provide additional children activities, we will have an online silent auction and we will have food trucks too! During our last Touch A Truck event we had over 2,300 visitors!
Saturday – April 13, 2024 • 9am – 2pm
C.H. Collins Athletic Complex
1500 Long Rd., Denton, TX
Cost: $2 per person suggested donation
In case of inclement weather on 4/13/24 our back up date is 5/11/24.