Free breakfast and lunch meals will be served each week. Meal sites are open to ALL LISD students and any child age 18 and under. To view menus and locations, click here.
NOTE: Food must be consumed on site.

The LISD Summer Feeding Interactive Map will be updated regularly. Please click the button below for addresses, times, and more information on summer feeding sites.
Interactive Map of Summer Feeding Sites
Our children need nutritious meals to learn, grow and thrive – even when school is out. Every summer, LISD and partners provide free breakfast and lunch meals throughout LISD. With Summer Meal Programs, children and teens age 18 and younger can continue to eat healthy throughout the summer at no cost. No form of identification is required, kids simply show up at a participating meal site to receive a meal. The Summer Meal Programs are administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture.
For questions, contact the LISD Child Nutrition Department at