Disney The Little Mermaid Jr. Musical Theatre Camps Bring Great Waves of Opportunity at The Actors Conservatory Theatre
This summer, all children ages 7-14 are invited to join an underwater adventure in The Actors Conservatory Theatre’s exceptional summer camp programming. There are two different one-week offerings of Disney The Little Mermaid Jr. Camp.

There are many treasures awaiting children who participate in camps at The ACT. During only one week, children will receive instruction in dance, vocal performance, and acting that will culminate in a completely produced musical production of the beloved story of Princess Ariel and her journey to find her place of belonging.
The experience of creating something wonderful in only a week challenges all those who participate to be all they can be in order to accomplish something way beyond anything that one could ever achieve alone. This educational and inspirational summer opportunity is one that children remember as a summer highlight. Many who participate in camps at The ACT find themselves returning year after year as a summer “must do.”

There is never a dull moment when working to put an entire musical on stage in a week, and children will experience a kaleidoscope of experiences while engaging with cast mates and making new friends. The atmosphere at The ACT is welcoming and designed to be a place where children of all experience levels can feel safe to explore new talents or have opportunities to hone skills that are already developing. The instructors are top-notch and excited to ignite children’s creativity and nurture their confidence in small group sessions.

Children also engage in The ACT community of creativity and fun fostered by experienced and well-trained counselors. The counselors facilitate friendships, model appropriate performance skills, and encourage their campers to achieve their full potential. Special spirit days and trips to the spirit shop enhance the memorable experience of camp at The ACT.
While there are many moving pieces to producing a musical in a week with children, the staff at The ACT is diligent to communicate with families on a daily basis during camp to ensure that campers are informed and equipped for the upcoming day.

Don’t miss out on this wonderful summer adventure at The ACT! Named roles will be cast prior to the beginning of camp. The fun of the ocean landscape under the sea, in Disney The Little Mermaid Jr., beckons all; but spaces are limited and camps fill quickly.
For more information, visit www.getintotheact.org.