Enjoy classics like Chutes and Ladders, Yatzee, Battleship, and Monopoly. There are lots of versions of many classic games updated for “Juniors” or with character themes to attract fans of Sponge Bob, Pokemon and Princesses.
More recent games include Blokus, Sequence, Phase 10, and a variety of Cranium games.
Wii Famiy Game Night
You and your kids may not be “board game people,” but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy game night. Wii offers lots of options, from traditional board games, to more athletic games (bowling, tennis, snowboarding, etc.), to games of strategy and fantasy. Learn one of your kids’ favorites, even if it’s not one of yours.
- Have a picnic lunch… on the living room floor.
- Learn String Games like Cats in the Cradle
- Create a House of Cards
- Line up Dominoes and watch them drop.
- Have Paper Airplane Races
- Make Shadow Puppets
- Learn one of your children’s video games.
- Learn a Hand Clapping Game, like Miss Mary Mack, Down Down Baby, or Miss Suzy had a… (steamboat, baby, etc.)
- Play Card Games like War, Slap Jack, Crazy Eights, and Rummy
Get out the Photo AlbumsLook at old pictures with your kids. They’ll love seeing themselves as babies, and seeing you when you were younger.
Make Movie Night Personal…Get out old videos and watch them as a family. Talk about how each of you has changed (and how you’re the same).
The Good Old DaysTell your kids all of the funny things that were different when you were growing up. Most of our kids today have never lived in a world without computers, DVD players and fast food on every corner. Ask them if they know where certain words and phrases came from, like “ice box,” or if they know what a “Shower Cap” is. Make a gesture like rolling down a window to see if they understand what you’re trying to say.