Plan an activity each day with your child.
This way you won’t find yourself wondering how to entertain them, and they’ll know what to expect each day. Make sure they’re involved in the planning process:)
Here are some fun, affordable ideas to get you started…
- Have a campout in the yard. Pitch a tent and barbecue outside.
- Have a spa day. Get nail polish, glitter and lotions from the drugstore and give each other manicures and make-overs.
- Make bird feeders. For great, kid-friendly ideas visit:
- Bring spring inside. Plant flowers in little pots that the kids have decorated.
- Feed the ducks. Find a local pond and don’t forget the camera! Some recommended items to feed ducks include: sweetcorn (tinned, frozen or fresh), lettuce (ripped up into small pieces), peas (fresh, or frozen – and defrosted first!), oats, seeds (bird seed, or seeds from the healthy foods section of your supermarket) or rice (leftover cooked rice).
- Make some Top 10 lists. Give the kids some topics: 10 things to do before the end of spring break; 10 things that make them happy; 10 things that make them grumpy. 10 favorite songs or books? Have them write them down or dictate them to you, then bind all the lists into a book.
- Plan an afternoon at a local park. Take a picnic lunch, kites, and balls & bats for a softball game. Let the kids invite several buddies and you’ve got a memorable spring day.
- Make up a story together. Have your children illustrate it.
- For a Spring learning adventure, take a hike in a nature area and learn to identify birds, trees, plants, and flowers. Spring is a natural time for kids to explore science and nature. The library offers lots of books to help!
- Have a board game day. You can even invite some friends over.
- Set up an obstacle course in the house or backyard.
- Messy Fun. Set the kids up in the backyard with some inexpensive shaving cream and some food coloring. Let them go to town.
- Let the kids use washable paint to create a masterpiece on your sidewalk or backyard fence!
- PJ parties still rock! Get ready for popcorn, DVDs, pillow fights and lots of gossip. No matter what age, sleepovers are always a hit!
- Build a fort. Hide the breakables and let the kids use every pillow, blanket and piece of furniture in the living or family room to create a giant fort. Let them eat lunch or dinner in it.
- Spring is the perfect time for a tea party. Bake some cookies or brownies together and line up the stuffed animals!
- Have an outside work day to get the yard in shape. Gather the materials needed for a special outdoor project with your kids, such as a kid-sized garden or building a birdhouse. Plan a special treat afterwards for everyone’s hard work.
- Do nothing. Yes, that’s right. In today’s time of over-scheduled kids, a day or two of totally unscheduled time, when your kids can sleep late, play creatively, or work on a hobby, and generally relax, may be just what the doctor ordered.
Most of these activities are better with a friend. Contact the parents of your children’s friends to exchange some play time – one afternoon at your house, another at their friends’. Then the parents get an afternoon to relax or run errands, child-free.
Have Fun!
Are you staying in the DFW area during spring break?
- CLICK HERE for a list of activities and events happening the week of March 13-17, 2023.
- Download this week’s newsletter for even more ideas for outings and adventures!