Southlake Summer Reading 2024
May 26 – July 21.
The Southlake Library is excited to host All Together Now, a summer reading experience full of adventures, weekly challenges, prizes, reading, and more. Come read with us, May 26 – July 21. The library will begin logging hours and handing out prizes on Tuesday, May 30!
Preshoolers, Kids & Teens
Summer looks bright for our community, and we’ve made it super easy and convenient to sign up for our summer reading program, and log hours.
STEP 1: Starting on May 26 participants can sign up for our summer reading program by visiting the Library OR can sign up online at our READsquared website OR you can download the READsquared app from the iOS APP store or the Android Play Store.
STEP 2: Record hours read, either in the Library OR online at READsquared OR download the READsquared app, available on iOS and Android.
STEP 3: Prizes! Collect small prizes & drawing slips (to be entered to win a grand prize) for each five hours read, up to 25 hours. Receive drawing slip for each 5 hours read over 25 hours, up to 50 hours. Preschoolers will earn 5 hours of reading by having 5 picture books read to them. Small prizes and drawing slips will be passed out beginning Tuesday, May 30.
Programs, Weekly Challenges & Scavenger Hunts
Each week the Library is hosting weekly challenges and scavenger hunts. Be warned, some are super tricky will make you think. Others might require more time to complete. Either way you must come in to participate, because special prizes await for those who complete the weekly challenges and scavenger hunts!
Family Scavenger Hunt
May 24 – May 31
Summer Reading Backyard Party
Friday, May 24 from 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Wild Adventures with Animals
May 28 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Narwhals and Waterfalls
Wednesday, May 29 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Magic Show Southlake
Thursday, May 30 @ 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Family Programs at Southlake Library
Select Thursdays in June & July
Summer Events for Kids
Select Tuesdays in June & July at 2PM
More Summer Events for Kids
Select Thursdays in June & July at 11AM
The Library is hosting SO MANY educational and exciting programs this year. You can find all the information on our calendar page, packed full of summer reading fun.
Southlake Library
1400 Main Street, Suite 130
Sosuthlake, TX 76092
Find details about all of these events at
Find other summer reading programs…

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